Salt Lake Community College Projects






-       I came to SLCC with 4 years (professionally) and 4 years (as a student) working primarily in Admissions and recruitment. At Utah State I was the Marketing Manager and communications strategist for the Viewbook, all recruitment mailers, USU’s first YouTube video campaign, paid 30-second commercials, branding, and all student facing communications.

-       Worked on various enrollment-related working groups and committees in 14 years at SLCC.

o   New Admissions Application EnrollmentRX was, and is, a collaborative effort between my team, the Admissions Office, and OIT. As part of the working group, I contributed to the CRM system, the application technology, site integrations, RFIs, and the student database.

-       Worked collaboratively with Student Affairs, IMC, and the agency to create engaging enrollment marketing campaigns.

-       Developed organic social media strategy each enrollment cycle (2011 – 2023) to encourage applications and enrolment.

-       Served on numerous Strategic Enrollment Management Committees and other enrollment working groups.

-       Supported the pathway from admissions to enrollment by helping create Online Orientation, email marketing strategy (drip campaign), testing services, ChatGPT, SMS messages, and effective online communication for students interested in attending SLCC.

-       Work closely with the Director of Admissions to re-evaluate, re-structure, and re-write all student enrollment process pages.

-       Created consistent voice and tone for student-facing enrollment pages, emails, and SMS messages.

-       Partnered with Admissions to create a Spanish application and Spanish admissions landing pages.



-       Direct web team, who manage over 8,000 webpages within

-       Developed SLCC’s web strategy, goals, and processes.

-       Managed SLCC Website Redesign:

o   Led RFP committee to pick a vendor to design seven new site templates.

o   Work with CMS (Cascade) to train and program site templates.

o   Coordinated information and discovery meetings across the institution to reorganize, redesign, rewrite, and rebuild the site.

o   Created a communication strategy for the site launch.

o   New sitemap, strategy, UX, and content.

o   Hosted focus groups, built user surveys, and used in-depth analytics research to create a site with data-driven usability.

o   First site to be completely student-centered and responsive.

o   Eliminated 200+ content contributors with the creation of the Web Request Queue (now used for photography, marketing, video, and digital signs).

-       Migrated all site content from Continuing Education pages, including admissions, enrollment, and updated course descriptions to

-       Major web projects include: SLCCSafe, 75th Anniversary, Strategic Planning, I’m In, Pathways, Areas of Study, paid media landing pages, Math & English Testing pages, OER, Faculty, SLCC Policies Pages, Workforce, Salt Lake Tech, SLCC Today (News & Events).

-       Constructed a comprehensive SLCC calendar ( with access for users to input events, custom code for landing pages and specific circumstances, and shareability.

-       Implemented: CampusBird Campus Maps, Workfront (IMC project management system)

-       Implemented an internal form system to accept digital forms on the website.


-       Built and managed main Institutional social media channels and created the username: @SaltLakeCC.

o   Prior to my arrival SLCC had a small Facebook following and no Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

-       Created SLCC’s first social media strategy, Social Media Guidelines, and two Presidential social media accounts.

-       Developed SLCC’s live “Social Media Wall” at Commencement to allow graduates and their families to participate in social media on large display screens during the ceremony.

o   #SLCCGrad has been “Trending” on Twitter multiple times during the ceremony.

-       Trained SLCC Departments on appropriate social media strategy, guidelines, and appropriate social media management to ensure SLCC’s brand and identity comply.

-       Taught training courses on social media, LinkedIn, professional development, and UWHEN.

-       Built SLCC’s first social media ad campaign and have continued to manage 100+ social media advertising campaigns.



-       Developed SLCC email marketing strategy in 2016 with the creation of SLCCToday, a weekly digestible email that eliminated the number of all-subscriber emails sent to SLCC students and employees.

-       Supervised the use and distribution strategy for email marketing via multiple email marketing systems.

-       Launched Admissions Drip Campaign, a complex, automated email marketing system that pushes messages to students as they work through the admissions process (application, orientation, registration, etc.). Including automated messages to nudge students, keep them informed of important information and deadlines, and encourages them to move from admissions to enrollment.

o   Before this system, my team built, composed, and coordinated manual email messages to admitted students.

-       Built The Fountain (v1, 2013), SLCC blog to house SLCC stories, news, and essential information for the community.



-       Designed and coordinated visual presentations for:

o   Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee

o   Office of the President presentations

§  SL County Legislators

§  Building Boards (Herriman, Westpointe, West Valley)

§  Utah Board of Higher Education

§  Board of Trustees

o   SLCC360

o   Convocation



-       Pitched, wrote, directed, and produced all SLCC institutional videos since 2013.

o   Approximately 550 videos from 2013 – 2023

-       Produced SLCC’s Graduates of Excellence Video beginning 2014 through 2023.

-       Produced and led notable SLCC video spots for enrollment, development, events, and campaigns.

-       Produced viral Lin Manuel-Miranda viral video.

-       Produced YouTube Ad Campaign “Sorry for interrupting your video” series.

-       Co-led Production of SLCC virtual Commencement.

-       Contracted with dozens of video production professionals, from drone operators to lights, sound, and VO.

-       Produced dozens of tutorial videos (MySLCC, New Student Orientation, Starfish, etc.)

-       Produced SLCC Holiday videos, enrollment spots, and videos for social media and email marketing.

-       Partnered with the agency in storyboarding and development of paid spots.

-       Grew video production team by adding a part-time videographer.

-       Supported Media Operations in audio visual for live events.

-       Wrote scripts, hired talent, and helped produce videos alongside Video Manager.




-       Directed massive SLCC Testing Services project for Math and English.

o   Coordinated building intuitive testing sites and videos for each course to help students determine their course.

-       Developed SLCC strategy for ChatBot and SMS texting to students, including process, approval, messaging, calendar, and list management.

-       Created Digital Marketing (web, video, social, email) for yearly projects and new initiatives.

o   Gail Miller Leadership Cup

o   Enrollment

o   Giving Day

o   Pathways

o   COVID-19 Response

o   Strategic Planning

o   SLCC/Twilight Partnership

o   Sundance Partnership and Ticket Giveaway

o   Goldman Sachs 10KSB

o   Starfish

o   Student Voter Engagement

o   SLCC 75th Anniversary

o   I’m In! Campaign

o   Tanner Forum




-       Developed SLCC’s digital and social emergency management strategy to effectively communicate public safety to students, faculty, staff, and the community.

-       Trained on Everbridge to send emergency messages for SLCC Public Safety.

-       Worked public relations at mass shooting training at three SLCC campuses.

-       Qualified and trained to step in as SLCC’s Public Information Officer.

-       Built SLCCSafe webpages in coordination with the Public Safety team.




-        Transition and Implementation Team, EnrollmentRX Admissions Application, 2018 – 2019

-        Committee Chair, SLCC, MySLCC Steering Committee, 2014

-        Committee Member, Student Analytics Committee, 2014 – 2017

-        Committee Member, Strategic Enrollment Marketing, 2015 – 2018

-        Committee Member (CWT), Pathways Initiative, 2017 – current

-        Committee Member, Technology Review Council, 2016 – 2019

-        Committee Member, Starfish Implementation Team, 2016 – 2017

-        Committee Member, Institutional Effectiveness Council, 2015 – 2016
